The Industry Timetable Change Process – Are you Ready?

12 March 20

There is an immediate need for the industry to drive through improvements to the current timetable change process, particularly with reference to the resilience of supporting stock and crew diagrams.

The Department for Transport and Network Rail are encouraging TOCs to take swift action to deliver the quality of service that rail users expect. TOCs, routes and regions to have been asked to work closely together and to take the initiative to ensure this ambition is delivered.

Two trains waiting at a station

Tracsis recognises the myriad of challenges faced by train operators to provide Network Rail with robust rolling stock and train crew diagrams at an earlier stage of the planning process, and the additional strain this may place on existing resources. We are able to fully support these vital improvements to the timetable planning process, using our proven proprietary systems and expert rail consultancy team.

A man uses software on two lcd monitors

Software Systems

  • TRACS-RS to develop rolling stock diagrams.

  • TrainTRACS to develop traincrew diagrams.

  • MARVEL – Our Diagram resilience analyser – providing hot spot and service association analysis to test the robustness of a set of diagrams to perturbation.

We are able to offer support to you and your team with the following:

  • By May 2020 – With the limited time hotspot and association analysis to inform potential diagram and STP planning changes to improve robustness.

  • By December 2020 – Support your team to expedite a full set of resilience tested rolling stock and train crew diagrams between your D-40 timetable bid and receipt of the D-26 offer back from Network Rail.

  • By May 2021 – Offers greater opportunity to develop a fully resourced D-40 timetable change submission which has been through iterations of resilience testing.

A train waiting at a station platform

Our experienced team would welcome the opportunity to work closely with you to deliver these important improvements.

Please contact for more information on how we can assist you, or to arrange a meeting.