Sustainability is at the heart of our purpose and our products.
Our approach to sustainability
Tracsis is fully committed to delivering sustainable growth that benefits the communities in which we, and our customers, operate. The Group’s products and services are well aligned with this vision, and support our customers in delivering positive environmental and social outcomes. This is achieved by maximising operating efficiency, improving health & safety performance, delivering enhanced customer experience, and providing expert consultancy on environmental and transport issues. Our growth strategy is focused in these areas.

Tracsis is committed to delivering sustainable growth, and ensuring that it’s products, services, and activities all make positive contributions to the world around us. We are using our ISO 14001 management system to continually improve our environmental performance and take tangible steps towards substantially reducing our emissions across Tracsis operations, by 2030.
Sustainability is a fundamental component of how we deliver long-term stakeholder value and of our employee proposition in order to attract and retain talent. Our Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) strategy articulates our sustainability ambitions and provides a framework for delivering these. The execution of this strategy will embed ESG as a core component of our operating model.

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (“SDGs”)
Good Health and Well-being
Our Rail Technology & Services products help to deliver a modern, efficient railway with high levels of availability and an improved customer experience, to encourage increased use of public transport. Our traffic data business provides data used in the planning of a safe road network.
Quality Education
Our community outreach activities focus on encouraging careers in tech and improving access and diversity.
Gender Equality
33% of the Tracsis Board is female. We are acting to increase female representation across all levels and in leadership positions throughout the business.
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
The core purpose of our Rail Technology & Services business is to enable the digital transformation of the railway to improve reliability, efficiency and sustainability and to increase passenger volume, by rail.
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Our Rail Technology & Services products help to deliver a modern railway, with high levels of availability, increased efficiency, improved safety outcomes, and access to pay-as-you-go ticketing. Our Data, Analytics, Consultancy & Events Division provides expert advice and analysis to deliver optimised transport infrastructure solutions which contribute to sustainable transport initiatives and CO2 reduction.
Climate Action
Our target is to be carbon neutral for scope 1 and scope 2 emissions from Tracsis operations by 2030. Our products and services support optimised transport infrastructure solutions and the increased use of public transport, to help reduce GHG emissions.
Tracsis sustainability framework
Our purpose
To empower the world to move freely, safely and sustainably
Our sustainability focus areas and ambition
Enabling a zero carbon future
Helping people to prosper
An ethical and transparent business
How we achieve this
Through how we operate
An operating model that delivers positive outcomes for our people, our communities and our environment
Through our products and services
Enabling our customers to achieve their sustainability goals through our products and services Corporate governance and compliance underpinning product and service quality
Governance of ESG
Tracsis Plc. Board
Sets objectives and monitors performance
Group governance, risk and compliance
ISO certified management systems oversight
Risk management
Tracsis Sustainability Committee
Implements strategy to achieve objectives
Sets Group-wide policies
Ensures compliance with regulations
Divisional Leadership
Executes strategy
Implements policies
Employee-led Initiatives
Identify what is most important and meaningful to our teams and communities
Executes strategy
Our ESG goals
ESG Highlights and progress
Where to find out more